Moving into a new house is an exciting experience, but it’s essential to ensure that your new home is secure and safe. One of the first things you should do is change the locks on your new house. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to changing locks on your new home.

Why Changing Locks is Essential for Your New Home

Ensuring the safety of your family and your possessions should always be a top priority. That’s why it is absolutely essential to replace all the locks when you move into a new home.
Think about it – do you really know who has a key to your new house? Over the years, previous owners may have handed out keys to countless friends, family members and contractors, leaving your property vulnerable to potential intruders. But don’t panic just yet. By simply changing your locks, you’ll be taking a proactive step towards safeguarding your family and possessions and removing a potential security risk. Not only will a change of locks bring you peace of mind, but it could even help lower your insurance premiums!

Types of Residential Locks Available Your Home

Changing locks is an essential step in securing your home and ensuring the safety of your family and belongings. There are various types of locks available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is crucial to consider your needs and preferences when choosing a lock for your home.
Deadbolts are the most popular and secure type of lock used in residential properties. They are typically installed on exterior doors and provide a high level of protection against forced entry. According to a study by the National Crime Prevention Council, deadbolts are effective in preventing burglaries in up to 60% of cases. They come in two types: single-cylinder and double-cylinder. Single-cylinder deadbolts have a keyhole on the outside and a thumb-turn on the inside, while double-cylinder deadbolts require a key to unlock from both sides.
Knob locks are another type of lock commonly used in residential properties. They are less secure than deadbolts but still provide some level of protection. Knob locks are typically installed on interior doors, such as bedrooms and bathrooms. They are easier to break than deadbolts, and burglars can easily gain entry by using a hammer or a wrench to remove the knob. According to a study by the FBI, knob locks are the most common type of lock used in residential properties, accounting for 30% of all locks installed.
Smart locks are a newer and more convenient option for homeowners. They allow you to control access to your home remotely using a smartphone app or a keyless entry system. Smart locks come in various types, including Bluetooth-enabled locks, Wi-Fi-enabled locks, and those with built-in cameras. They offer several benefits, such as the ability to grant temporary access to guests and service providers and monitor who enters and exits your home. According to a study by Zion Market Research, the global smart lock market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.3% between 2021 and 2028.
In conclusion, choosing the right type of lock for your home is crucial for ensuring the safety and security of your family and belongings. Deadbolts are the most secure option, while knob locks are less secure but still provide some level of protection. Smart locks offer convenience and advanced features but may require a higher upfront cost. Consider your needs, budget, and level of security required before making a decision.

How to Change Residential Locks

Changing locks can be a simple and cost-effective way to increase the security of your home or business. If you’re concerned about the safety of your property or just want to upgrade your current locks, you don’t need to hire a professional locksmith. With some basic tools and a little bit of patience, you can easily replace your old locks with new ones.
Before you start, it’s important to select the right type of locks for your needs. Consider factors such as the level of security you require, the type of door or window you need to secure, and your budget. You can choose from a wide range of lock types, including deadbolts, knob locks, and electronic locks, among others.
Once you have chosen your new locks, it’s time to remove the old ones. This involves unscrewing the screws on the doorknob or deadbolt and removing the old lock from the door or window. It’s important to take care not to damage the door or frame during this process.
Next, you need to install the new locks. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and make sure you have all the necessary tools on hand. Depending on the type of lock you’ve chosen, you may need to drill new holes in the door or frame. Be sure to measure and mark the correct locations before you start drilling.
Once you have installed the new locks, it’s crucial to test them to ensure they’re working correctly. Test both the locking mechanism and the key to make sure they are functioning smoothly. If you encounter any problems, double-check the installation instructions and make any necessary adjustments.
Overall, changing locks can be a straightforward and rewarding DIY project. By taking the time to carefully choose your new locks and follow the installation instructions, you can improve the security of your property and enjoy greater peace of mind.

When to Hire a Professional Locksmith

Although changing locks can be a relatively straightforward process, there are situations where it may be best to enlist the help of a professional locksmith. While many people are comfortable tackling DIY projects around the home, installing new locks may require a certain level of expertise and specialized tools that not everyone possesses.
One common reason to hire a locksmith is if you’re not confident in your ability to install the new locks correctly. If you’re unsure about the installation process or lack experience working with locks, it’s easy to make mistakes that could compromise the security of your property. In this case, it may be worth the peace of mind to hire a professional who can ensure that the job is done correctly.
Another reason to consider hiring a locksmith is if you’re looking to install high-security locks. These types of locks are designed to provide an extra level of protection against break-ins and intruders, and they typically require specialized knowledge and tools to install. A professional locksmith will have the expertise needed to install high-security locks properly, ensuring that your property remains secure.
Finally, if you need to change the locks on multiple doors, it may be more efficient to hire a professional. Changing multiple locks can be a time-consuming process, and a locksmith can help streamline the job and ensure that all of the locks are installed correctly and functioning properly.
Overall, while changing locks can often be done as a DIY project, it’s important to recognize that there are situations where hiring a professional locksmith may be the best choice. Whether you lack experience working with locks, need to install high-security locks, or are looking to change the locks on multiple doors, a professional locksmith can provide the expertise and tools needed to get the job done right.

Additional Ways to Improve Home Security

Securing your new home is an important step in ensuring your safety and peace of mind. Changing locks is a good start, but it’s just one of many measures you can take to make your home more secure.
One highly effective step you can take is to install a security system. A good security system can deter burglars and provide you with added protection against break-ins. Many modern security systems are easy to install and can be customized to meet your specific needs.
Another useful security measure is to add motion sensor lights. These lights can detect movement and turn on automatically, alerting you to potential intruders and helping to scare them away. Motion sensor lights can be installed on the exterior of your home or in key areas such as hallways and stairwells.
In addition to installing security measures, it’s important to take steps to improve the physical security of your home. One way to do this is to trim overgrown bushes or trees that could provide cover for potential burglars. This will make it harder for them to approach your home without being seen and increase the chances of them being detected.
Other physical security measures you can take include reinforcing doors and windows, installing deadbolts, and upgrading your garage door security. By taking these steps, you can help prevent intruders from gaining access to your home and deter them from attempting a break-in in the first place.

In Summary

In conclusion, changing locks on your new home is a critical step in ensuring the safety and security of your family and property. With the information provided in this article, you can confidently change the locks yourself or hire a professional locksmith to do the job. Remember to take additional steps to secure your new home, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your property is protected.
City Wide Safe and Lock is a reputable locksmith company based in Maryland, USA. The company has been in business for several years, offering a wide range of locksmith services to residential, commercial, and industrial clients. City Wide Safe and Lock specializes in emergency lockouts, lock repairs, rekeying, key duplication, installation of high-security locks, access control systems, and much more.
